Thursday, October 4, 2012

One Month of Activity!

My last two years in college, I didn't really find a lot of time to excercize, but while I lived on campus I did a lot of walking, especially walking up and down three flights of stairs every day about 65 times getting to my room--and that kept me in shape. My last year in college, I lived in a one story house and did some walking, but with two jobs, a full course load, and senior project/graduation coming up, I didn't do much but work, eat, do homework, and pass out.

Finally, since my graduation has passed and with my seemingly eternal unemployment, I've started to work out again. I've had weight issues my entire life; obesity runs on my father's side and it's hard to fight against those genes. I've yoyo'd a lot of weight in the past four years from 215 to 250 to 220 to 265 to 245, etc. Most of that is just change in diet.

About a month ago, a friend introduced me to Body Rock TV. It's a website that promotes the Home Work Out Revolution! For me, the hardest part about working out and staying in shape is a lack of motivation. I don't want to leave my house and go to the gym or go on a run, I would much rather stay at home. And I do have some workout videos, but when I heard about Body Rock-ing, I got really excited. Most of the workouts are 15 minutes or under and since I don't have to leave my house, I've managed to stay really motivated and workout at least four days/week in September! In order for me to see progress, I kept all my workouts recorded on a spare white board calender:

As you can see, I worked out 17/30 days, which is more than half.

I also took a picture of myself, weighed myself, and measured myself to keep track of progress.

It isn't the greatest picture of me, but the flash hides my face and I'd like to keep my identity somewhat secret!

My starting weight was: 164
My current weight (after 17 days of Body Rocking): 153

So I've already lost 11 pounds after 17 days of Body Rocking and some small dietary changes. And considering that many of those days were 10 minute or less ab workouts, I'm pretty impressed. I can already see and feel a difference in my waist and love handles and I really love the way I feel.

The reason I've created this blog is mostly as a way for me to record and keep track of my progress. I want to be able to look back and see where I've come from!